

Deversify develops and com­mer­cia­lize mobile elec­tro­nic devices that mo­ni­tor bio­mar­kers for in­di­vi­dual health and chro­nic di­seas­es. Our as­sign­ment was to build the brand i­den­ti­ty for Deversify and to col­lab­o­rate as a long-term creat­ive partner, con­tin­uous­ly as­sis­ting with design and dev­e­lop­ment of their growing pro­duct cat­a­log.

We be­lieve that health­care should be honest and easy to use. How­ever, this does not mean that it should be plain or un­in­spi­ring so we dev­eloped a design system that em­brac­es a func­tion­al aesthetic ap­proach — a visual tool­box that is optimis­ed to enhance the function­ality of the product but at the same time aiming to delight the user with a crisp and to the point exp­erience – both when it comes to function­ality, digital experience, and industrial design.


Design collaborator

Gustav Nordebrink

Website development



Frog Studios

Additional credits

Studio Akademi

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